I'm making a big move.

I'm taking a big leap!

I've been traveling solo through Southeast Asia for almost three months now, and it's been such a dream. When I originally set out to teach English in Vietnam, I never dreamed I'd be here in Thailand now, having traveled through VietnamThailandLaos, and Cambodia.

And I never dreamed that I could have such an amazing adventure, completely on my own. Solo. Taking care of myself. Putting myself first. Taking charge. Feeling capable. Being capable.

And so as my trip was coming to an end, I knew deep inside that I wasn't ready to come home. The only thing stopping me was money, which I had pretty much run out of. But then I started to think.....what if I could manifest more? What if this didn't have to be the end? What if I could make this work in another way? What if I could keep traveling?

So I'm going to keep traveling. I'm moving to Australia!

I've been traveling with my two good friends Bex and Scarlett, who I met in Chiang Mai, and they've had plans to head to Australia after this, to find jobs and work for a year on a working holiday visa. For awhile we joked that it would be fun if we all went together. Until we weren't joking anymore.....

So I'm going, too. I'm moving to Australia on June 18th -- taking a big leap.

Leap and the net will appear, right? ;)

I've met a lovely family just outside of Sydney, and I'll be an au pair to their three little girls beginning at the end of the month. I'm so excited, and also scared and nervous. 

But mostly, excited.

What this means for my business

I'll have lots of extra time for working on designs, so I plan to take on a lot more orders! And hopefully expand my offerings, too. I'm working on my e-book, and a new course might be in the works, too. Stay tuned!

A note on leaping

I know that not everyone can just up and move somewhere exotic. I know that not everyone wants to do that, either. But what I'm learning is that big leaps can happen anywhere, anytime, any way. For a long time, speaking up when something bothered me was a huge leap. It still is, sometimes. For a long time, making a decision all on my own was a big leap. Moving to Providence was a big leap. Signing a lease with people I didn't know was a big leap. Quitting my job and moving onto another was a big leap. Ultimately leaving everything behind and going off to Vietnam was a gigantic leap.

There are big leaps everywhere, if we're open to the possibilities they hold. If we can trust that we'll be okay. If we can trust that there's something amazing on the other side of the leap. If we can believe the net will appear.

Take a big leap with me? 

(I'll of course be updating my Instagram feed and Facebook page with my travels, if you'd like to follow along!)


4000 islands, laos.


vang vieng, laos.